Pulborough Parish Council

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Parish Council is obliged to publish details of any CIL monies received in each financial year (1st April - 31st March) and what it has been spent on.

Year Received Amount Received Spent on... Amount Spend Balance
2019-2020 296.34
Playground Repairs 296.34 0.00
2019-2020 592.68
Playground Repairs 592.68 0.00
2020-2021 2442.22
Playground Repairs 2442.22 0.00
2020-2021 75
Playground Repairs 75 0.00
2021-2022 2442.22
Playground Repairs 2376.57 65.65
2021 - 2022 150
2022-2023 71.34
2023-2024 11018.49