Pulborough Village Transport Plan
The plan was finalised in February 2010 and is now available for download.
It discusses the issues, the short and long term solutions and funding.
The project isn't completed of course. We now have to implement it.
Background and how we got there
Over the past few years, several new developments have taken place in the village from which contributions of over £200,000 have been secured towards improving and promoting more sustainable modes of transport for local residents.
As there was no overall plan in place for improving transport in the village, a Village Transport Plan working group was set up in December 2008, chaired by West Sussex County Council, with a view to discussing transport issues in the village and identifying schemes which would improve and encourage walking, cycling and public transport use both within the village and across the parish.
The task of the Village Transport Planning working group was to produce a Draft Village Transport Plan for public exhibition in June 2009. The Draft Plan would consider a number of immediate schemes for improving walking and cycling links in the village using the existing contributions but would also look at the longer-term transport needs of the village should further development and contributions come forward.
As part of this process, the views of local residents are welcome and can be made either directly to the Parish Council or to any of the following representatives sitting on the working group.
- Pat Arculus - West Sussex County Council Member
- Brian Donnelly - Horsham District Council Member
- John Denison - Pulborough Parish Council
- Ivor Kiverstein - Pulborough Parish Council
- Paul Clarke - Pulborough Parish Council
- Hazel Black - Pulborough Parish Council
- Anne Ball - The Pulborough Society
- Paul Rowley - Horsham District Council
- Paul Addison - West Sussex County Council
Regular updates relating to the progress on the Village Transport Plan have been provided in the Parish Council Quarterly Newsletter, the monthly Parish and Community News, Pulborough Parish Council's website, Dean Smith's website and at Parish Council meetings.
Exhibition 26-27/6/2009
Documents presented at the exhibition are listed below.
- Transport Issues List
- Public Bridleway No.2328 - Old Rectory Lane
- Public Footpath No. 2330 - Sandpiper Close to Spinney North
- Public Footpath No 3500- New Place Road through Pocket Park
- Rectory Lane-Potts Lane- Proposed Pedestrian Improvement Scheme
Pulborough Station
West Sussex County Council is working with Southern and Network Rail to improve bus facilities and pedestrian access at Pulborough Station. The eastbound bus stop on Station Road will be moved to outside the station building and modifications to the car park and roads will be made to allow the bus to manoeuvre safely. The junction of Station Approach and Station Road will be altered to improve pedestrian access by providing better crossing facilities and wider pedestrian areas.
There are currently two options under consideration:
- Option 1 Widen the footway between the southern car park entrance and station building and improve the bus stop next to the station using the current shelter. Any buses would have to complete a three-point turn within the station forecourt area to exit.
- Option 2 Provide a new forecourt area and bus stop between the southern car park entrance and station building, together with a new exit for buses and other vehicles from the northern car park to the north of the existing cycle shelter.
These improvements will enable buses to manoeuvre around the station forecourt, improve safety for pedestrians and improve access to the station building.