9th June 2023
09 June 2023
Pulborough Parish Council
Unauthorised encampment on main recreation ground: The Parish Council shares residents' frustration and concern over the incursion this week. All steps possible have been taken to have the group moved on as quickly as possible. Both the County Council and police processes have been engaged and we are doing all we can to try to ensure there is minimal disturbance for the community or clubs using the area. The Council is actively looking at what can be done to deter future encampments. In the meantime, we ask for residents' patience and if there are concerns, to please report these not only to the Parish Council but directly to Sussex Police - 101 for non-urgent and 999 for urgent/crime taking place. We have been assured that police will be making regular site visits and are regularly reviewing the situation. We do not currently have an anticipated timeframe but will endeavour to report updates.