Agendas and Minutes
Our future agendas dates are yet to be agreed and will be voted upon at the next Full Council meeting.
All Parish Council meetings are open to the public. Please check the agenda for details of where the meeting is to be held and the time of the meeting.
Members of the public who wish to speak on an item on the agenda must give notice to the Parish Clerk no later than 12 noon the day prior to the meeting being held. A public speaker invited to speak by the Chair will be limited to five minutes (or ten if speaking on behalf of a group) in which to make representation.
Minutes will appear unsigned here due to accessibility concerns, however, signed copies are available on request to the Parish Council directly.
Full Council
- Jonathan Campbell (Vice Chair of the Council)
- Andrada Labuschagne
- Jeannie Esdaile
- Elizabeth Hunt
- Frank Riddle
- Ian Hare
- Jilly Marcuson
- Lissette Trembling
- Paul Clarke
- Ruth Court
- Sandra Martin
- Sharon Curd
- Tom Capelin
Finance & Policy
- Paul Clarke (Chair)
- Jonathan Campbell (Vice Chair)
- Andrada Labuschagne
- Elizabeth Hunt
- Ruth Court
- Sharon Curd
Planning & Services
- Lissette Trembling (Chair)
- Jeannie Esdaile (Vice Chair)
- Elizabeth Hunt
- Frank Riddle
- Jilly Marcuson
- Sandra Martin
- Sharon Curd
- Tom Capelin
Recreation & Open Spaces
- Jilly Marcuson (Vice Chair)
- Jeannie Esdaile
- Elizabeth Hunt
- Jonathan Campbell
- Paul Clarke
- Ruth Court
- Sandra Martin
- Sharon Curd
Annual Parish Meeting
- Jonathan Campbell (Vice Chair of the Council)
- Andrada Labuschagne
- Jeannie Esdaile
- Elizabeth Hunt
- Frank Riddle
- Ian Hare
- Jilly Marcuson
- Lissette Trembling
- Paul Clarke
- Ruth Court
- Sandra Martin
- Sharon Curd
- Tom Capelin
Annual Meeting of Pulborough Parish Council
- Jonathan Campbell (Vice Chair of the Council)
- Andrada Labuschagne
- Jeannie Esdaile
- Elizabeth Hunt
- Frank Riddle
- Ian Hare
- Jilly Marcuson
- Lissette Trembling
- Paul Clarke
- Ruth Court
- Sandra Martin
- Sharon Curd
- Tom Capelin
Staffing Sub Committee
- Paul Clarke (Chair)
- Jonathan Campbell (Vice Chair)