Pulborough Parish Council

17th July 2023 (1)

17 July 2023
Pulborough Parish Council

Southern Rail consultation - Pulborough Station Ticket Office

You have until July 26 to respond to a consultation about the future of Pulborough Ticket office. Southern Rail proposes closing the ticket office to bring in ticket assistance on reduced hours. The service would go from a staffed ticket office open Weekday 06:00 - 19:25 Saturday 07:10 - 13:45 and Sunday 08:10 - 16:45 to ticket assistance on Weekdays 06:30 - 13:30 and assistance on Saturday and Sunday 09:00 - 16:00.

Ticket Assistants would help people use the machines and provide advice on best value fares. They would not be able to issue advance tickets, refunds, replacement/duplicate tickets, railcards or annual railcards.

The waiting room and toilets would be open when there is a member of staff on shift.

The email address to use to feedback on the consultation is:


You can find out more on Southern’s website https://www.southernrailway.com/about-us/our-commitments/public-consultation, or click below for the details and link to the consultation:

Southern Rail Ticket Office Consultation