30th June 2023
30 June 2023
Pulborough Parish Council
A29 Church Hill Pulborough - Road Closure 3rd and 4th July: Many of you will know, but some may still be unaware that the A29 is set to close on 3rd and 4th July next week. This is necessary to reconfigure the traffic signals so they don't need manual intervention, which is the current situation. Pulborough Parish Council has been in contact with West Sussex County Highways seeking assurance that diversion signage being used while this closure is in place will be more effective than that initially used in January. We have been told these lights will be in place until a final solution to the Church Hill A29 is reached. The Parish Council is not party to these negotiations but will continue to raise local concerns about issues regarding the road closure with WSCC. Please contact WSCC directly with any issues about the closure but we also invite you to contact your Parish Council at clerk@pulboroughparishcouncil.gov.uk with feedback about the ongoing road closure so we can continue to reflect your views in our discussions.